Thursday, August 19, 2010

Single and free again..but why does it feel so lonely?

I just left a seven year relationship, all three of the kids are gone for the summer and I am single and free again ..but why does it feel so bad and boring. I would like to date again but I haven't met anyone. I have fears of meeting someone due to when the kids return I won't have time since I am now a 30 year old single mother of three , part time student and I work nights. Some say I beat myselfup over this too much and my kids are encouraging me to date as they are now envolved in outside activities and no longer want me swarming them. I treat myself to special things for myself but can't help wanting the company of a signifigant other sometimes... How can I meet people, and especially ones that can adjust to the unlimited time I have now, and the tight crunch I will have when the kids return. I am scared of looking becasue I don't want a relationship that ends up just sexual becasue of my time constraints and responsibilites.

Single and free again..but why does it feel so lonely?
Spend some time with your kids. They'll appreciate it, even if they don't know how to say so.
Reply:because you are used to sharing your life with someone and now your having to deal with everything does get better and you do get used to it.
Reply:Wow, you're a single mother of three, a part time student, and work nights. How do you do it? You're really busy.. .I don't know how you will find the time to date.
Reply:I don't blame you for your feelings. You were in a long term relationship %26amp; I'm sure there's a big empty spot in your life that he just so happened to fill. Now he's gone %26amp; you're feeling that empty spot. Especially since the kids are also away, you feel all the more alone. Honestly, see if you can find someone on line %26amp; start talking to him/them. Try some of the free ones for awhile %26amp; see how it goes. At least you might just find someone to chat with %26amp; see what it turns into. This way you have nothing to loose %26amp; you don't know who might just be out there,. I'd do the zip to zip sites %26amp; see how many there are in your area. Just hang in there, there's got to be at least someone out there just for you. I'm sure too you're missing the kids %26amp; your home it just a bit quietl Just give it a chance, but why not try that tho. If you do find someone, just set up a lunch mtg. to see how it goes. I do wish you the best. I'm sure yoo'll be OK in the end tho, You're still quite young %26amp; have a lot of good yrs. ahead of you.

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