Friday, July 16, 2010

2142 Battlefield single player...?

In single player mode, why aren't my points maintained? It always returns to zero when I play it again.

Can single player mode not get points to unlock more weapons?

Also, when I do play in single player mode, and the maps say 16. But, there only looks like about 5 different maps (1 for each town/city). Am I wrong about this?

Thanks for any answers you can provide this newbie to the game.

2142 Battlefield single player...?
2142 is designed for team play on line. The single player maps are only to get you used to how the game works. Once you get in an on line server you will keep your points and can gain unlocks then. If you do go on line be sure to join one of the squads in the game when you play. Your points and unlocks will come faster.

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