Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why single people or not single must to pay more???

If people cannot afford their life, why we have support them? Why we supporting somebody’s children instead of their parents, who does not care of them, that is their responsibility, not our, to pay money for them. However, if people do not have enough income, they not supposed to have children. Who will afford them? If we want to pay, this is a question about donation, but it is our own matter to do or not to do. I am paying donations every year, but I am not agree to pay more for everything just because I am single. I am really do not care if somebody is hungry or not - let them work and make money, all others ways - stilling. Everybody must to be responsible for themselves and for their children. It’s like in any stores: if you have money - you buying, if you don't - you are not buying. The single person does not have to pay more then married people.( taxes, insurances e. t. c.) We always have what to do with m-ey. The same way, if person make more m-ey, he/she not have to pay more.

Why single people or not single must to pay more???
I understand what you are saying perfectly, which is why I support a "flat tax" or the current US proposal of the "Fair Tax". I can't afford to have children, so I don't. However, I am taxed to support other people's children. If they don't want to support them themselves, they need to give them to someone who IS willing to take the responsibility and not pawn off the expenses on the government.

In an overpopulated world, I feel it is wrong to punish those who choose not to have children and reward those who do by subsidizing the care of those children with tax-payer's money (I'm talking about the earned income credit in the US). People are constantly being rewarded/punished depending on whether they make the personal decisions to get married or have children. I don't agree with it and I vote my beliefs. I wish more people did.
Reply:life's tough, wear a helmet.
Reply:I know what you mean. It is so awful I have to pay more for car insurance because I am single. I have a good driving record and I don't drink unlike some married people I know. I understand why people get a tax break for having kids. If we invest that money in the care of children, those children will have better health and eventually decent jobs to pay taxes(for roads, better healthcare, musuems, libraries, etc.) and help fund social security which even us singles will need. If no one had children, eventually, no one would be around to pay taxes, medicare, and social security that the elderly make use of. And there wouldn't be more people like doctors and farmers that help us live. So marrieds with kids are given special privileges to encourage them to have kids. It is really annoying that some married people expect everyone else should pay for their offspring like they are doing us all a favor by having babies and making us pay for them. I somewhat feel that people should not have children if they cannot pay for them themselves. I am single and poor and I am not having children because I don't want to subject others to have to pay. However, because I do not have kids to help support me in my old age and since I won't have enough money to support myself in old age because of shortcomings to make a living and the fact I will be paying much for the care of elderly relatives who expect me to take care of them, I will be relying on government aid in my old age. And if there are no children to pay taxes later and to allocate money to old people later, I'll die of starvation and die in pain without medical care in my old age. I live in a horrible, noisy apartment and do not get much sleep but still I pay big time taxes for other's comfort. I know that soon I will be paying for the costs of elders in my family who have no money. For people like me, life is a depressing cycle when you are single and poor. Life is a beautiful cycle when you have money and a nice place to live and are so happy and rich that you want to give people and children money so they will have a better life. So we are supporting other's children because someday they may make the world a better place- like cure learning disabilites, health problems, world hunger, ugliness. Then, maybe there will be fewer miserable impoverished singles in the world like myself-- the kind of sad people no one wants to marry. So us poor singles are kind of held hostage. We don't get the joy or support from having a family, but we better pay up if we want to have hope that the world be a better place. It is arrogant of parents to expect us to pay for their decision, but if we support children, those children are more likely to get better care and nutrition and will less likely be criminals and an unhealthy drain on society. Single people are made to pay more while marrieds get breaks because from the government's perspective, having babies that will pay taxes later is a good thing. The government sees it as an investment. As for making us pay more for insurance, insurance companies base charges on statistics and even if a single person is a more responsible person, we have to pay more. Maybe insurance companies hope that if you have babies, those babies will buy insurance from the company later so they want to encourage babymaking by giving married people a break. Not fair but that's how it is.
Reply:I am single too and I understand what you said! Single people always have to pay more for everything - house for a start, then they don't have the personal support like married people do. The world is not fair!
Reply:Single people always get stuck paying more. We don't get to write off any kids, and because other people have three or four kids they are rewarded. I think it sucks
Reply:I don't know if the laws and rules about taxpaying is different in every country, though i think they apply the same principles. You do not pay more taxes to support their children etc. You were once a child, so are you saying that before you had a job those Single working persons are the one who supported your life? This is how it works in our country. The single will pay more taxes if he does not have anyone to support but himself. For example I am a single person but my siblings below the age of 18 and my non working parents are solely dependent on me. So I can declare them and it will be deducted on tax, the same principle applied to married couple with children. If I am married and we do not have any children and we both have a job and we have no dependents like super young siblings or old non working parents then we pay the same taxes as SINGLE people without dependents. So basically what I am trying to say is that you have to pay the regular tax like everybody else who is single without any dependents. All the tax the government is collecting from you, from the stores, restaurants all the establishments that collects taxes from you go to the government and not to fund the children of married people. This is used for public health, in public schools, for roads, to pay for the country's debts, for your soldiers, public workforce etc. Hope it helps.

In some country like China, (please correct me if I am mistaken) you pay less tax if you don't have a child or having a single child. You pay more for having more than one child. And i have also heard that you are not allowed to have more than one child because the tax is huge and only super rich people can afford to have more than one kid. They have a One Child Policy to limit the population growth. And having more than one child will result in paying a fine.
Reply:what are you trying to say?...spell things correctly please...

cat teeth

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