Sunday, August 22, 2010

Single-gender (gay/lesbian) relationships. why?

why be in a single-gender relationship? what are ur feelings about single-gender relationships? i am straight myself.

for those who are in one, is it a choice? is it something you would tell others? i know it differs from person to person. and please share how the process of 'coming out' was for you. i really seek to understand.

Single-gender (gay/lesbian) relationships. why?
Being in any relationship is something you do based on your feelings towards an individual. It's no different than a man and a woman loving each other. I'm not shy about being with another woman. Coming out, I think is just a step where you can fully accept who you are, and be confident that you accept yourself even if others don't. It's so very important to love yourself, and so few people do.


Reply:I feel you should be with the person you love regardless of gender.
Reply:Why not? The only way it is a choice is if you choose celibacy, like some straight people do, instead of acting on your feelings for someone you love. Yes, lots of people tell others or you wouldn't be asking this question-it's pretty widely known that there are gays, lesbians and bisexuals world-wide.
Reply:The fact that you even ask 'why' is an indication that you will never understand. Until you understand that gender and sexuality are fluid and that gay and straight, male and female are merely reference points, not states, and that there is nothing normal about being straight and nothing abnormal about being gay then you will realise is that your question is completely pointless.

It would be like a so called gay peson asking you why you are straight. Can you give an answer to that?

We are who and what we are. People are born to be diverse. It's nature.
Reply:Well, I tried the straight thing for a long time and it only hurt me. I always felt cheap and used by men, not necessarily sexually, but in general. Women (to me) seem to have a better understanding of their own gender, thus a relationship between two women is far more fulfilling in every aspect. I feel mentally stimulated, physically loved, and most importantly I feel complete when I'm in a relatioship with another woman.

As for it being a choice. No, it wasn't. Not for me. I'd always had a notion that I liked women, but because of my upbringing and the fear of what people would think, I never acted on it. However when I met a very special woman, I just couldn't deny it any longer. Coming out was hard, but I had to be true to myself, and true to my girlfriend. I wasn't ashamed of either of us. It demolished my relationship with my sister, but the rest of my family still loves me though they don't necessarily approve.

Hope this helps you understand.
Reply:Uhm, it's the same as an opposite sex relationship, exactly the same.

We're born this way, we're just being true to our nature, nothing more. Where you're attracted to the opposite sex, I'm attracted to the same sex. No choice in the matter really, for me to try to be something I'm not just makes me a liar, and leads to depression, something I just won't bother with.

Why wouldn't I tell others? That doesn't make any sense. I have no reason to hide, I'm not ashamed of myself, it's illogical to be.

Coming out for me was more about learning that everyone isn't like me when it comes to sexual orientation. Before I knew there were different categories I thought everyone was the same. Afterwards it was just a matter of finding where I lay on the spectrum, and that was it. The rest is just stating facts, nothing more.

I don't see why this is complicated. You and I are exactly the same, we just fall into different places on the sexual orientation spectrum. I don't see why that's hard to understand.

We're diverse, and it's great.
Reply:Unless you are Gay, there is no way to understand this..picture yourself in a relationship with a man...that is exactly how a Gay feels about a relationship with an opposite sex...what's the problem here? Gays have NO choice in the matter, there was never a time when they woke up and, I will be gay. You made no choice about being straight, gays make no choice about being gay. Since these relationships actually do not concern you in any way, stop seeing them as different and be happy that they have a relationship, the same as you would want others to feel about your relationships. Good luck
Reply:Love is love regardless of being strait, gay or bi. No one chooses to fall in love, it is just nature at work when two that are meant to be together make the connection.

If you fall in love and if he or she loves you as much, you are a very lucky person. True love will always stand the test of time.

big teeth

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