Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where can a single lady go to find a nice single gentleman these days?

I'm a single 42/F looking to find a single gentleman with good family values. Anyone know of any places in or around Connecticut that is a good place to meet singles? If you do, let me know. Directions will be appreciated.

Where can a single lady go to find a nice single gentleman these days?
Wow - that's kinda tough. Like alot of people said Church is a definite option. Also you could try "speed dating" or something like eHarmony.com. You're also pretty young, and you said 'family values', so if you have any kids, maybe meeting a single dad at like one of your kids activities or something may be good too.

Well good luck. You sound sincere in your endeavor.
Reply:ads in paper
Reply:Church related groups or some hobby group that you have interest in Night school/as the winter is coming in and there is a lot of stuff like that
Reply:A personals site with more information. Church is OK but who knows what kind of madness you'll find there either.
Reply:one word .... CHURCH
Reply:believe me if I knew the answer to that question I would share it with you without hesitation lol.
Reply:gentlemen are hard to find these days...i got one maybe by luck lol..but i got intro by a friend so like yea
Reply:sorry, Tampa here
Reply:goodluck on that one, soorry couldn't help ya
Reply:you have found me stop looking
Reply:the problem isnt finding them cause theyre out here, the problem is youre too picky. im single and will most certainly treat a woman right but i get passed up because women want the guys that every other woman wants also so you end fighting over the same ones.
Reply:I would not say church; just b/c yougo does not make you holy! Ads are impersonal and dangerous so is online dating. The only thing I can say is something I hate to hear..."Let it come to you if you are not looking for it it will fall in your lap". I know it sounds corny but as soon as I gave up my hope on a half way decent man search it came to me. But if you have read my question then maybe it screwed up my situation more so if you find a great place to meet men let me know lol. P.S. DO you have an answer to my question what to do about this guy??? Under relationships and single/dating.
Reply:when you foind the answer let me know

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